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Supporting Charities and Communities

Help us continue what we do best...


We maintain the utmost professional standards in both an operational and training sense. Of course, this comes at a substantial cost, and Aviation FRS receives no formal funding. As such, we rely on kind donations and sponsorships.


This comes in a number of forms, both in donations of equipment/services and of course, monetary donations.


Our main expenses include the service and repair of our vehicles and the maintenance/servicing of various equipment that we carry.

This includes our BA sets, cutting equipment and a wide range of our medical equipment which needs yearly calibration and/or servicing to remain compliant. We then also have the cost of fuel and unexpected repairs.


We are of course very lucky to be supported by various organisations already, such as The Brooklands Museum Trust, Draeger, OpenHouse and Ruth Lee. These organisations are helping us to support our local community and keep history alive.


If you wish to support us, you can make a monetary donation on the links below. If you have any other ideas on how to support us, please get in contact via the form below. We can offer a range of sponsorship options, including sponsorship of our appliance, attendance at your community engagement events and social media collaboration.


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